Bulgarian medicines verification organization took part at the 16th National conference in hospital pharmacy, Plovdiv 2022

The Sixteenth National conference in hospital pharmacy took place on October 7th to 9th, 2022, at Hotel Imperial, Plovdiv. The theme of the event was “Drug supply to medical institutions – problems, opportunities and solutions”.  The conference program included treatment innovations of a number of diseases, the Second National competition for students “Become a hospital pharmacist”, as well as the Third Masterclass in clinical pharmacy with the subject “Implementation of clinical pharmaceutical services in the management of diabetes”.    

In the second scientific session of the event Mrs. Illiana Paunova, executive director of BgMVO gave a lecture on “Practical aspects of medicines verification in Bulgaria”. The participants were acquainted with the indicators of Falsified medicines directive’s implementation in Europe and Bulgaria, with the legal obligations of pharmacies to check the safety features of medicinal products, and with the lag behind of Bulgarian end-users in regards with the requirement to deactivate the Unique identification code. Mrs. Paunova presented practical examples on alert management in the Medicines Verification System. The different types of alerts and the reasons for their generation were analyzed in the lecture.

The presentation was followed with great attention by the audience. The participants showed a particularly high interest in the specific examples of technical errors and potential falsifications, and a number of questions were asked about the necessary appropriate actions by hospital pharmacies. The need of a regulated process regarding management of quarantined during verification process packages of medicinal products was also discussed.

More than 200 hospital pharmacists from all over the country took part in the conference. The event was also attended by representatives of hospitals, healthcare institutions, students, manufacturers, wholesalers, and other specialists in the field of healthcare.



