Participation of BgMVO in the 10th National Pharma Forum, Organized by “Manager” Magazine

On 28th February, 2023, Bulgarian Medicines Verification Organisation took part in the 10th National Pharma Forum of “Manager” magazine, held at Sofia Balkan hotel under the title “Nextgen Health – The next ten“.

Over 150 participants followed with interest the discussions in the forum. Among the speakers were representatives of Health Authorities, regulatory bodies, pharma business, medical doctors, journalists, IT specialists and representatives of professional organizations.

During the three discussion panels, the main participants, representing institutions, professional organizations and the business discussed the important stages for the future development of the healthcare system in our country, which can guarantee a sustainable improvement of our nation’s health indicators, timely and adequate access to quality healthcare and to new emerging therapies.

In the panel “Digital health 2030”, the European and global trends for digitalization in healthcare and the realities in this field in our country were discussed. Mrs. Illiana Paunova, Executive director of BgMVO presented the Bulgarian Medicines Verification System. The participants were acquainted with this largest public-private project in Europe, which has been successfully implemented and has been operating for 4 years across the EU, guaranteeing the authentic origin of medicinal products. The Medicines Verification System is the first working national digital system in drug supply in Bulgaria and is a model for a successful project for the benefit of Bulgarian patients. At the end of the presentation, Mrs. Paunova outlined the future directions for improving the verification System and for the integration of information systems in the field of medicines supply.



